November at Andys Way

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New Shoreham (Town)

Incorporated in 1672 as the only town on the island of Block Island, New Shoreham is the smallest town in the smallest state in the United States.


7 miles long and 3 miles wide, Block Island is shaped like a pork chop and covers 7000 acres.


Atlantic Ocean, about 12 miles from the Rhode Island coastline.


Approximately 1000 year round residents, 15,000 to 20,000 seasonal visitors a day.


365 fresh water ponds, one for every day of the year.

Stone walls:

300-400 miles of man made stonewalls.

Nature trails:

32 miles of trails.

Open Space:

Over 43% of the Island is preserved open space.


Block Island school has approximately 130 students in grades K-12.

For detailed information please visit the the Town website at:


Formed by glaciers nearly 10,000 years ago, Block Island features a diverse array of…


Thousands of years ago, a glacier left rolling hills and ponds behind, forming what…

Local News

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